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mammary Paget disease

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Paget disease of the breast


Definition: Mammary Paget disease (MPD) is considered an intraepidermal manifestation of an underlying mammary carcinoma.

In contrast to extramammary Paget disease, invasion of mammary Paget cells into the dermis (invMPD) has very rarely been reported (22895267).




- Single cells or clusters of cells spread throughout the epidermis
- Cells have abundant pale cytoplasm, large irregular nuclei with prominent nucleoli
- Underlying dermis may have chronic inflammation
- Epidermis with hyperkeratosis and possibly ulceration
- Florid cases can show gland formation
- Paget cells may phagocytose melanin, mimicking melanocytes
- Underlying carcinoma is most commonly high grade invasive carcinoma of no special type (NST; 53 - 64%) or DCIS (24 - 43%) (Histopathology 2020;77:181)

Digital cases

- JRC:5395 : Mammary Paget disease.
- JRC:5397 : Mammary Paget disease.
- JRC:5398 : Mammary Paget disease.
- JRC:5399 : Mammary Paget disease.
- JRC:5400 : Mammary Paget disease.

See also

- mammary tumors


- Invasive paget disease of the breast: clinicopathologic study of an underrecognized entity in the breast. Duan X, Sneige N, Gullett AE, Prieto VG, Resetkova E, Andino LM, Wu Y, Gilcrease MZ, Bedrosian I, Dawood S, Arun B, Albarracin CT. Am J Surg Pathol. 2012 Sep;36(9):1353-8. PMID: 22895267