Home > E. Pathology by systems > Nervous system > Central nervous system > cystic dysraphic lesions
cystic dysraphic lesions
Thursday 12 January 2012
Cystic dysraphic lesions of the cervical and upper thoracic region are rare.
Cystic dysraphic lesions can be divided into categories that include both myelocystoceles and the so-called cervical meningoceles or myelomeningoceles.
Cystic dysraphisms of the cervical and upper thoracic region differ clinically and structurally from meningomyelocele and have a more favorable outcome.
cervical cystic dysraphic lesions
upper thoracic cystic dysraphic lesions
CNS malformations
systemic congenital anomalies
stalk connecting the dorsal surface of the spinal cord to the cyst.
true meningocele
The histopathological findings are of three types:
neuroglial stalks
fibrovascular stalks