Home > E. Pathology by systems > Reproductive system > XX maleness
XX maleness
Friday 21 October 2011
Open References
Sex determination and disorders of sex development according to the revised nomenclature and classification in 46,XX individuals. Kousta E, Papathanasiou A, Skordis N. Hormones (Athens). 2010 Jul-Sep;9(3):218-131. PMID: 20688619 [Free]
XX Maleness and XX true hermaphroditism in SRY-negative monozygotic twins: additional evidence for a common origin. Maciel-Guerra AT, de Mello MP, Coeli FB, Ribeiro ML, Miranda ML, Marques-de-Faria AP, Baptista MT, Moraes SG, Guerra-Júnior G. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Feb;93(2):339-43. PMID: 18056774 (Free)