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XX maleness

Friday 21 October 2011

Open References

- Sex determination and disorders of sex development according to the revised nomenclature and classification in 46,XX individuals. Kousta E, Papathanasiou A, Skordis N. Hormones (Athens). 2010 Jul-Sep;9(3):218-131. PMID: 20688619 [Free]

- XX Maleness and XX true hermaphroditism in SRY-negative monozygotic twins: additional evidence for a common origin. Maciel-Guerra AT, de Mello MP, Coeli FB, Ribeiro ML, Miranda ML, Marques-de-Faria AP, Baptista MT, Moraes SG, Guerra-Júnior G. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Feb;93(2):339-43. PMID: 18056774 (Free)