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East asia
Monday 17 November 2003
Asia has served as a focal point for human migration during much of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. East Asia has a role as a source and/or transit point for human dispersals.
See also
polymorphic sites
nonrecombining portion of the Y chromosome (NRY)
southern East Asia (SEAS)
northern East Asia (NEAS)
central Asia (CAS)
Population history events and ongoing demographic processes both contributed to the contrasting patterns of NRY variation in NEAS and SEAS. (11481588)
Peopling of East Asia was more complex than earlier models had proposed. (11481588)
In addition to the previously recognized genetic and dental dispersal signals from SEAS to NEAS populations, CAS has made a significant contribution to the contemporary gene pool of NEAS. (11481588)
The Sino-Tibetan expansion has left traces of a genetic trail from northern to southern China. (11481588)
Karafet T, Xu L, Du R, Wang W, Feng S, Wells RS, Redd AJ, Zegura SL, Hammer MF. Paternal population history of East Asia: sources, patterns, and microevolutionary processes. Am J Hum Genet. 2001 Sep;69(3):615-28. PMID: 11481588
Katoh T, Mano S, Ikuta T, Munkhbat B, Tounai K, Ando H, Munkhtuvshin N, Imanishi T, Inoko H, Tamiya G. Genetic isolates in East Asia: a study of linkage disequilibrium in the X chromosome. Am J Hum Genet. 2002 Aug;71(2):395-400. PMID: 12082643