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East asia

Monday 17 November 2003

Asia has served as a focal point for human migration during much of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. East Asia has a role as a source and/or transit point for human dispersals.

See also

- polymorphic sites
- nonrecombining portion of the Y chromosome (NRY)
- southern East Asia (SEAS)
- northern East Asia (NEAS)
- central Asia (CAS)
- polymorphisms
- haplogroups


- Population history events and ongoing demographic processes both contributed to the contrasting patterns of NRY variation in NEAS and SEAS. (11481588)

- Peopling of East Asia was more complex than earlier models had proposed. (11481588)

- In addition to the previously recognized genetic and dental dispersal signals from SEAS to NEAS populations, CAS has made a significant contribution to the contemporary gene pool of NEAS. (11481588)

- The Sino-Tibetan expansion has left traces of a genetic trail from northern to southern China. (11481588)


- Karafet T, Xu L, Du R, Wang W, Feng S, Wells RS, Redd AJ, Zegura SL, Hammer MF. Paternal population history of East Asia: sources, patterns, and microevolutionary processes. Am J Hum Genet. 2001 Sep;69(3):615-28. PMID: 11481588

- Katoh T, Mano S, Ikuta T, Munkhbat B, Tounai K, Ando H, Munkhtuvshin N, Imanishi T, Inoko H, Tamiya G. Genetic isolates in East Asia: a study of linkage disequilibrium in the X chromosome. Am J Hum Genet. 2002 Aug;71(2):395-400. PMID: 12082643