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borderline lepromatous leprosy

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Borderline lepromatous leprosy is a skin condition with numerous, symmetrical skin lesions.

Lesions are numerous and consist of macules, papules, plaques, and nodules. Annular punched-out–appearing lesions that look like inverted saucers are common. Anesthesia is often absent.

As with the other forms of borderline leprosy, the disease may remain in this stage, it may improve, or it may regress.


In the borderline lepromatous form, smaller granulomas with some foamy changes and numerous lymphocytes are observed. Nerves often have an onionskin appearance as a result of invasion of the perineurium. A few epithelioid cells may be observed.

- ulcer
- granulomatous perivascular infiltrate filled with foamy histiocytes and numerous acid-fast bacilli.


- PCR molecular test for Leprosy positive for Leprosy.

Case reports

- Dermpedia

See also

- leprosy

  • borderline lepromatous leprosy