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transverse testicular ectopic testis

Thursday 22 October 2009

TTE is a rare anomaly that usually presents as a unilateral cryptorchidism and a contralateral descendent testis with an associated hernia.

In suspected cases, laparoscopy and ultrasonographic evaluation may be helpful in diagnosing this condition before surgery.

Surgery, transseptal orchiopexy, is highly recommended to manage TTE especially when vasa deferentia are fused.

In case of PMDS, preserving Müllerian remnants is preferred because of the risk of vas deferens and testicular blood supply damage. Recently, laparoscopy is useful for both diagnosing and management of TTE and associated anomalies.


- inguinal hernia
- undescended testes


- persistent Müllerian duct syndrome (PMDS)


- Tuberculosis of transverse testicular ectopic testis associated with persistent mullerian duct syndrome. Kella N, Rathi PK, Qureshi MA. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2008 Apr;18(4):250-1. PMID: 18474165

- Transverse testicular ectopia: a three-case report and review of the literature. Naouar S, Maazoun K, Sahnoun L, Jouini R, Ksia A, Elezzi O, Krichene I, Mekki M, Belghith M, Nouri A. Urology. 2008 Jun;71(6):1070-3. PMID: 18291504

- Persistent mullerian duct syndrome and transverse testicular ectopia: embryology, presentation, and management. Wuerstle M, Lesser T, Hurwitz R, Applebaum H, Lee SL. J Pediatr Surg. 2007 Dec;42(12):2116-9. PMID: 18082721