Home > G. Tumoral pathology > localized neurofibroma
localized neurofibroma
Thursday 26 June 2008
90% sporadic, 10% in the setting of neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1)
most develop between 20-30 years
in a major nerve :
- fusiform expansion
- confined by the epineurium
in a small nerve :
- extension in soft tissues
- circumscribed but not encapsulated
Microscopical synopsis
interlacing bundles of cells with ovoid-to-spindle, often curved, nuclei
collagen fibres and myxoid matrix
roppey collagen bundles
See also
- plexiform neurofibroma
- diffuse neurofibroma
- pigmented neurofibroma
- neurofibroma with malignant transformation ( neurofibrosarcoma )