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giant umbilical cord

Friday 6 June 2008

A giant umbilical cord is a very rare malformation of the umbilical cord that can easily be diagnosed on prenatal scans and is unmistakable postnatally.

The giant umbilical cord is an an unusual presentation of a patent urachus.

See also

- Umbilical cord

  • umbilical cord anomalies
  • umbilical cord lesions
  • umbilical cord cysts


- Meyer W, Gauthier D, Bieniarz A, Warsof S. Completely patent urachus. In:; 1991

- Nobuhara KK, Lukish JR, Hartman GE, Gilbert JC. The giant umbilical cord: an unusual presentation of a patent urachus. J Pediatr Surg 2004;39:128-129

- Persutte WH, Lenke RR, Kropp K, Ghareeb C. Antenatal diagnosis of fetal patent urachus. J Ultrasound Med 1988;7:399-403

- Schiesser M, Lapaire O, Holzgreve W, Tercanli S. Umbilical cord edema associated with patent urachus. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2003;22:646-647

- Sepulveda W, Bower S, Dhillon HK, Fisk NM. Prenatal diagnosis of congenital patent urachus and allantoic cyst: the value of color flow imaging. J Ultrasound Med 1995;14:47-51

- Ueno T, Hashimoto H, Yokoyama H, Ito M, Kouda K, Kanamaru H. Urachal anomalies: ultrasonography and management. J Pediatr Surg 2003;38:1203-1207
