Home > F. Pathology by regions > Limbs > meromelia
Tuesday 5 February 2008
Definition: Absence of a limb segment or the partial absence of a free limb (exclusive of girdle); e.g., hemimelia, phocomelia.
For example, meromelia of the upper limb can be due due to transverse deficiency of right humerus and absence of all the bony elements distally.
humeral meromelia
femoral meromelia
tibial meromelia
radial meromelia
VACTERL association (16195913)
- imperforate anus
- ventricular septal defect
short lower limb (16195913)
- proximal femoral hypoplasia
- fibular hemimelia
Ratan SK, Rattan KN, Ratan J, Sodhi PK, Bhatia V.A neonate with anorectal malformation with rare limb defects report of a case. Pediatr Surg Int. 2005 Oct;21(10):825-8. PMID: 16195913
Clark MW. Autosomal dominant inheritance of tibial meromelia. Report of a kindred. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1975 Mar;57(2):262-4. PMID: 1112852
Persaud TV. Meromelia and other developmental abnormalities in experimental oligohydramnios. Anat Anz. 1973;133(5):499-502. No abstract available. PMID: 4583543
Bro-Rasmussen F, Jensen B, Sorensen AH. Congenital meromelia or "spontaneous amputations". Experimental studies on mice. Acta Orthop Scand. 1972;43(3):157-62. PMID: 4263563
Bora FW Jr, Nicholson JT, Cheema HM. Radial meromelia. The deformity and its treatment. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1970 Jul;52(5):966-79. PMID: 5479484