- Human pathology

Home > F. Pathology by regions > Limbs > meromelia


Tuesday 5 February 2008

Definition: Absence of a limb segment or the partial absence of a free limb (exclusive of girdle); e.g., hemimelia, phocomelia.

For example, meromelia of the upper limb can be due due to transverse deficiency of right humerus and absence of all the bony elements distally.


- humeral meromelia
- femoral meromelia
- tibial meromelia
- radial meromelia


- VACTERL association (16195913)

  • imperforate anus
  • ventricular septal defect

- short lower limb (16195913)

  • proximal femoral hypoplasia
  • fibular hemimelia


- Ratan SK, Rattan KN, Ratan J, Sodhi PK, Bhatia V.A neonate with anorectal malformation with rare limb defects report of a case. Pediatr Surg Int. 2005 Oct;21(10):825-8. PMID: 16195913

- Clark MW. Autosomal dominant inheritance of tibial meromelia. Report of a kindred. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1975 Mar;57(2):262-4. PMID: 1112852

- Persaud TV. Meromelia and other developmental abnormalities in experimental oligohydramnios. Anat Anz. 1973;133(5):499-502. No abstract available. PMID: 4583543

- Bro-Rasmussen F, Jensen B, Sorensen AH. Congenital meromelia or "spontaneous amputations". Experimental studies on mice. Acta Orthop Scand. 1972;43(3):157-62. PMID: 4263563

- Bora FW Jr, Nicholson JT, Cheema HM. Radial meromelia. The deformity and its treatment. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1970 Jul;52(5):966-79. PMID: 5479484
