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Monday 5 November 2007
Transcriptional regulation is exerted through protein factors that bind to distinct DNA elements in the vicinity of target genes. Many control elements are recognized by families of transcription factors, opening combinatorial possibilities to the regulatory interactions. Among the most widely distributed control elements are GC boxes and related motifs bound by Sp1 (189906).
Members: SPs (SP1, SP2, SP3)
EWS/SP3 fusion gene in undifferentiated small round cell sarcomas (17690209)
Undifferentiated small round cell sarcomas with rare EWS gene fusions: identification of a novel EWS-SP3 fusion and of additional cases with the EWS-ETV1 and EWS-FEV fusions. J Mol Diagn. 2007 Sep;9(4):498-509. PMID: 17690209