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MIM.173510 7q11.2

Monday 6 October 2003

Definition: CD36, a major adhesion molecule expressed by monocytes/macrophages, plays a key role in the binding and internalization of oxidized low-density lipoprotein (OxLDL).

This adhesion molecule, a member of an important scavenger receptor family, contains a very short C-terminal cytoplasmic tail that is known to induce intracellular signalling events. However, the domains on the cytoplasmic tail involved in such signal transduction are unknown.

Platelet glycoprotein IV, alternatively known as GP IIIb, is immunologically related to the leukocyte differentiation antigen CD36.

It is the fourth major glycoprotein of the platelet surface and serves as a receptor for thrombospondin (MIM.188060) in platelets and various cell lines.

Since thrombospondins are widely distributed proteins involved in a variety of adhesive processes, GP IV may have important functions as a cell adhesion molecule.

Other platelet glycoproteins include GP Ib (MIM.606672), the platelet receptor for thrombin (MIM.176930) and von Willebrand factor (MIM.231200), and the complex of GP IIb (MIM.607759) and GP IIIa (MIM.173470), the platelet-binding site for fibrinogen and fibronectin (MIM.134820).

As ICAM1, CD36 is one of the adhesion molecules for Plasmodium falciparum.


- CD36 deficiency (type II platelet glycoprotein IV deficiency) (MIM.608404)

- CD36 polymorphism is associated with protection from cerebral malaria (12506336)

- increased risk of coronary artery disease (CHD7) (MIM.610938)

Mouse models

- CD36 deficiency leads to choroidal involution via COX2 down-regulation in rodents (18288886)


- Houssier M, Raoul W, Lavalette S, Keller N, Guillonneau X, Baragatti B, Jonet L, Jeanny JC, Behar-Cohen F, Coceani F, Scherman D, Lachapelle P, Ong H, Chemtob S, Sennlaub F. CD36 Deficiency Leads to Choroidal Involution via COX2 Down-Regulation in Rodents. PLoS Med. 2008 Feb 19;5(2):e39 PMID: 18288886