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Friday 2 February 2007

Definition: AKT2 (MIM.164731) is the isoform of AKT 1 and is enriched in insulin-responsive tissues and has been implicated in the metabolic actions of the hormone.


- An activating mutation of AKT2 and human hypoglycemia. (21979934)

- AKT2 mutations and/or amplification in tumors

See also

- AKTs


- An activating mutation of AKT2 and human hypoglycemia. Hussain K, Challis B, Rocha N, Payne F, Minic M, Thompson A, Daly A, Scott C, Harris J, Smillie BJ, Savage DB, Ramaswami U, De Lonlay P, O’Rahilly S, Barroso I, Semple RK. Science. 2011 Oct 28;334(6055):474. PMID: 21979934