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cancer genotyping

molecular genotyping of cancer

See also

- SNPs cancer genotyping


- Dutt A, Beroukhim R. Single nucleotide polymorphism array analysis of cancer. Curr Opin Oncol. 2007 Jan;19(1):43-9. PMID: 17133111

- Peiffer DA, Le JM, Steemers FJ, Chang W, Jenniges T, Garcia F, Haden K, Li J, Shaw CA, Belmont J, Cheung SW, Shen RM, Barker DL, Gunderson KL. High-resolution genomic profiling of chromosomal aberrations using Infinium whole-genome genotyping. Genome Res. 2006 Sep;16(9):1136-48. PMID: 16899659