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branchiootorenal syndrome

MIM.113650 8q13.3

BOR syndrome, Melnick-Fraser syndrome, branchiootorenal dysplasia, familial branchio-oto-renal dysplasia, branchio-Oto-Renal Syndrome

Branchiootorenal syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by sensorineural, conductive, or mixed hearing loss, structural defects of the outer, middle, and inner ear, branchial fistulas or cysts, and renal abnormalities ranging from mild hypoplasia to complete absence. Reduced penetrance and variable expressivity has been observed.

Mutations in EYA1 are known to cause BOR. Mutations in SIX1 and SIX5, which interact with EYA1, were also identified as an additional cause of BOR.


- cochlear malformation
- sensorineural, conductive, or mixed hearing loss
- structural defects of the outer, middle, and inner ear
- Mondini type cochlear malformation
- stapes fixation
- cup-shaped pinnae
- anteverted pinnae
- bilateral prehelical pits

- branchial arch anomalies

- stapes fixation
- malformed pinnae
- preauricular pits
- Mondini malformation
- aplasia of the lacrimal ducts.
- high arched palate
- cleft palate
- bifid uvula
- gustatory lacrimation
- branchial cleft fistulas or branchial cysts, usually bilateral

- renal anomalies

  • mild hypoplasia
  • bilateral renal agenesis (renal aplasia)
  • bilateral non-obstructive renal dysplasia (BNORD)
  • renal collecting system anomalies (anomalies of the collecting system)
  • polycystic kidneys


- germline mutation in

See also

- branchial arch syndromes


- Hoskins BE, Cramer CH, Silvius D, Zou D, Raymond RM, Orten DJ, Kimberling WJ, Smith RJ, Weil D, Petit C, Otto EA, Xu PX, Hildebrandt F. Transcription Factor SIX5 Is Mutated in Patients with Branchio-Oto-Renal Syndrome. Am J Hum Genet. 2007 Apr;80(4):800-4. PMID: 17357085

- Melnick M, Bixler D, Nance WE, Silk K, Yune H. Familial branchio-oto-renal dysplasia: a new addition to the branchial arch syndromes. Clin Genet. 1976 Jan;9(1):25-34. PMID: 1248162