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splenic littoral cell angioma



-  minute foci to large nodules almost completely replacing the splenic tissue
-  anastomosing vascular channels resembling splenic sinus
-  irregular lumina
-  papillary projections
-  cyst-like spaces
-  lined by tall endothelial cells that slough off into the vascular lumina and show hemophagocytosis
-  atypical cells absent
-  mitotic activity very low


-  neoplastic cells express both endothelial (FVIII-AG, BMA 120) and histiocytic (KP1, lysozyme) antigens
-  +/- S-100 +


-  Falk S, Stutte HJ, Frizzera G. Littoral cell angioma. A novel splenic vascular lesion demonstrating histiocytic differentiation. Am J Surg Pathol. 1991 Nov;15(11):1023-33. PMID: #1928554#

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