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diversion colitis


Definition: Diversion colitis (DC) is a localized, relatively benign, iatrogenic condition which occurs in almost 100% of diverted colonic segments in patients who undergo ileostomy/colostomy for various reasons.


-  prominent follicular lymphoid hyperplasia (100%)
-  chronic mucosal inflammation (100%)
-  acute mucosal inflammation (78%)
-  Paneth cell metaplasia (26%)
-  mild goblet cell depletion (22%)
-  foci of colonic cryptitis (13%)
-  colonic crypt abscesses (13%)
-  mild colonic mucosal architectural distortion (22%)
-  colonic mucosal aggregates of eosinophils (43%)


-  Vujanic GM, Dojcinov SD. Diversion colitis in children: an iatrogenic appendix vermiformis? Histopathology. 2000 Jan;36(1):41-6. PMID: #10632750#

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