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type 1 autoimmune hepatitis

type 1 autoimmune hepatitis (AH-1).



Two different cell distribution patterns were detected in the liver of patients with AH-1:

-  CD4+ and CD20+ cells in the central areas of the portal tracts (portal distribution)
-  CD8+ cells at the periphery of the portal space (periportal distribution)
-  CD56, CD57, Fas-L and Bak cells: non-defined distribution pattern


-  De Biasio MB, Periolo N, Avagnina A, Garcia de Davila MT, Ciocca M, Goni JH, De Matteo E, Galoppo C, Canero-Velasco MC, Fainboim H, Munoz AE, Fainboim L, Chernavsky AC. Liver-infiltrating mononuclear cells in children with type 1 autoimmune hepatitis. J Clin Pathol. 2006 Feb 17; PMID: #16489183#

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