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mucolipidosis type II



Autosomal recessive metabolic disease


-  systemic anomalies

-  high, narrow forehead
-  long philtrum
-  coarse facial features
-  recurrent episodes of otitis media
-  thick, firm earlobes
-  thin eyebrows
-  puffy eyelids
-  epicanthal folds
-  clear to faintly hazy corneas
-  increased corneal diameter
-  corneal opacities on slit-lamp exam
-  low nasal bridge
-  anteverted nostrils
-  progressive alveolar ridge hypertropy
-  macroglossia
-  congestive heart failure
-  hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
-  cardiomegaly
-  cardiac murmur
-  aortic insufficiency
-  recurrent bronchitis
-  recurrent pneumonia
-  widely spaced nipples
-  scapular hypoplasia
-  broad, spatulate-appearing ribs
-  diastasis recti
-  abdominal protuberance
-  umbilical hernia
-  hepatomegaly
-  minimal splenomegaly
-  inguinal hernia
-  moderate joint limitation
-  osteopenia in early infancy
-  pathologic fractures
-  thickened cranium
-  normal enlarged sella turcica
-  dorsolumbar kyphosis
-  atlantoaxial dislocation
-  ovoid vertebral bodies
-  narrowness of interpediculate distances in lower thoracic
-  hypoplastic odontoid process
-  beaking of vertebral bodies T12-L3
-  lumbar gibbus
-  flared iliac wings
-  horizontal acetabular roofs
-  supra-acetabular constriction
-  hip dislocation
-  irregular contours of pubis and ischium
-  cortical bone erosion (especially proximal femora)
-  long bone shortening
-  widened metaphyses
-  varus deformity of humeral neck
-  tilted distal ends of radius and ulna
-  broadening of wrist
-  brachyphalangia
-  hypoplasia of carpal bones
-  conical bullet-shaped distal ends of phalanges
-  claw-hand deformities
-  talipes equinovarus
-  thick, relatively tight skin
-  cavernous hemangioma
-  devere psychomotor retardation
-  developmental delay
-  myelopathy
-  neonatal hypotonia
-  hoarse voice
-  inclusion bodies (membrane-bound vacuoles) in fibroblasts


-  Normal to mildly increased mucopolysacchariduria
-  Increased serum beta-hexosaminidase (10-20x)
-  Increased serum iduronate sulfatase (10-20x)
-  Increased serum arylsulfatase A (10-20x)
-  Deficiency of N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphotransferase


-  mucolipidosis II is caused by mutation in the GNPTAB gene (MIM.607840)

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