Localized anywhere, defined by obliteration of capillary lumen and increased matrix, extensive foot process effacement by EM.
Early lesions
small peripheral foci of segmental glomerulosclerosis
well-defined peripheral segmental sclerosis
glomerular intracapillary foam cells
prominence of overlying visceral epithelial cells.
surrounding mild interstitial fibrosis
mild enlargment of sclerosed glomeruli
Advanced lesions
diffuse glomerulosclerosis
moderate to severe renal interstitial fibrosis
renal tubular atrophy
increased mesangial matrix
obliteration of glomerular capillaries
idiopathic FSGS
WT1-associated FSGS
TRPC6-associated FSGS
Susceptibility loci
9q31-q32 (#12840782#)
See also
Kriz W. TRPC6 - a new podocyte gene involved in focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Trends Mol Med. 2005 Dec;11(12):527-30. PMID: #16290061#