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focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)



Localized anywhere, defined by obliteration of capillary lumen and increased matrix, extensive foot process effacement by EM.

Early lesions

-  small peripheral foci of segmental glomerulosclerosis
-  well-defined peripheral segmental sclerosis
-  glomerular intracapillary foam cells
-  prominence of overlying visceral epithelial cells.
-  surrounding mild interstitial fibrosis
-  mild enlargment of sclerosed glomeruli

Advanced lesions

-  diffuse glomerulosclerosis
-  moderate to severe renal interstitial fibrosis
-  renal tubular atrophy
-  increased mesangial matrix
-  obliteration of glomerular capillaries


-  idiopathic FSGS
-  WT1-associated FSGS

-  TRPC6-associated FSGS

Susceptibility loci

-  9q31-q32 (#12840782#)

See also

-  glomerulosclerosis


-  Kriz W. TRPC6 - a new podocyte gene involved in focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Trends Mol Med. 2005 Dec;11(12):527-30. PMID: #16290061#

WT1-associated FSGS

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