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hair genetic diseases

hair genodermatoses


Over the last eight years, several naturally occurring human gene mutations in structural components of desmosomes, cell-cell adhesion junctions found in skin, heart and meninges, have been reported.


-  dominant or recessive mutations in

See also

-  desmosomes


-  McGrath JA, Wessagowit V. Human hair abnormalities resulting from inherited desmosome gene mutations. Keio J Med. 2005 Jun;54(2):72-9. PMID: #16077256#

-  van Steensel MA, van Geel M, Steijlen PM. Molecular genetics of hereditary hair and nail disease. Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet. 2004 Nov 15;131C(1):52-60. PMID: #15468149#

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