Definition: Infiltration of renal interstitium by inflammatory cells.
renal neutrophilic infiltration
- intratubular PMNs forming plugs
- interstitial PMNs or peritubular PMNs or capillary PMNs
- nonspecific
- renal vein thrombosis
- humoral rejection of renal allograft
renal lymphocytic infiltration
- and edema: acute interstitial nephritis (associated tubulitis)
- and renal interstitial fibrosis: chronic interstitial nephritis
renal eosinophilic infiltration
- hypersensitivity reaction
renal interstitial granulomas
- renal confluent granulomas
renal interstitial inflammation with positive tubular BM IF staining
- linear positive tubular BM IF staining
- granular, discrete, immune complex deposits along TBM by IF and EM
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