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distal arthrogryposis

Distal arthrogryposes are characterized by multiple congenital contractures of the hands/wrists and feet/ankles.


-  DA1: distal arthrogryposis type 1 (MIM.108120)
-  DA2A: distal arthrogryposis type 2A (MIM.193700)
-  DA2B: distal arthrogryposis type 2B (ch. 11) (MIM.601680)
-  DA2C: distal arthrogryposis type 2C
-  DA2D: distal arthrogryposis type 2D
-  DA3: distal arthrogryposis type 3 (Gordon syndrome) (MIM.114300) (camptodactyly, cleft palate and club-foot)
-  DA4: distal arthrogryposis type 4
-  DA5: distal arthrogryposis type 5


-  mutations in TNNI2 (#12592607#)

-  mutations in TPM2
-  TNNT3 (gene encoding TnT specific to fast-twitch myofibers) (DA2B) (#12865991#)

-  in syndromes

The troponin complex of fast-twitch myofibers exerts its effect on muscle contraction by binding to actin and beta-tropomyosin, the product encoded by TPM2 (Clark et al. 2002).


-  Bamshad M, Jorde LB, Carey JC. A revised and extended classification of the distal arthrogryposes. Am J Med Genet. 1996 Nov 11;65(4):277-81. PMID: #8923935#

Distal arthrogryposis (20 weeks)

Distal arthrogryposis (20 weeks)

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