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pulmonary BMA-SMAV

Pulmonary localization of bone marrow allograft associated-small muscular arteries vasculopathy (pulmonary BMA-SMAV)


Definition: Pulmonary localization of bone marrow allograft associated-small muscular arteries vasculopathy (pulmonary BMA-SMAV).


-  concentric intimal hyperplasia
-  concentric medial hyperplasia
-  luminal narrowing
-  prominent myxoid change
-  extravasated red blood cells
-  some foamy histiocytes with no evidence of thrombotic microangiopathy


-  digestive ischemia (digestive BMA-SMAV)

-  pulmonary BMA-SMAV


-  The cause of this unusual vasculopathy present in patients after BMT is likely to be multifactorial, involving effects of irradiation, chemotherapy, cyclosporine, and GVHD.

Differential diagnosis

-  bone marrow allograft (BMA)

See also

-  intestinal vasculitis


-  Selby DM, Rudzki JR, Bayever ES, Chandra RS. Vasculopathy of small muscular arteries in pediatric patients after bone marrow transplantation. Hum Pathol. 1999 Jul;30(7):734-40. PMID: #10414490#

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