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MIM.600758 8q24-qter

FAK,FAK1, focal adhesion kinase


Focal-adhesion kinase (FAK) is an important mediator of growth-factor signalling, cell proliferation, cell survival and cell migration.

Given that the development of malignancy is often associated with perturbations in these processes, it is not surprising that FAK activity is altered in cancer cells.

Mouse models have shown that FAK is involved in tumour formation and progression, and other studies showing that FAK expression is increased in human tumours make FAK a potentially important new therapeutic target.


-  McLean GW, Carragher NO, Avizienyte E, Evans J, Brunton VG, Frame MC. The role of focal-adhesion kinase in cancer - a new therapeutic opportunity. Nat Rev Cancer. 2005 Jul;5(7):505-15. PMID: #16069815#

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