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Roberts syndrome

MIM.268300 8p21.1


Autosomal recessive disease. Severe midfacial and limb defects and birth length less than 37cm associated with stillborn or early infant death. Likely allelic with SC phocomelia syndrome (MIM.269000).

The rare, autosomal recessive Roberts syndrome (RBS) is characterized by tetraphocomelia, profound growth deficiency of prenatal onset, craniofacial anomalies, microcephaly, and mental deficiency.


-  low birth weight
-  birth length less than 40cm
-  birth weight 1.5-2.2 kg
-  severe prenatal growth deficiency
-  failure to thrive
-  mild-severe postnatal growth deficiency

-  craniofacial anomalies

-  cardiovascular malformations

-  rudimentary gallbladder
-  genitourinary anomalies

-  skeletal and limb anomalies

-  midfacial capillary hemangioma
-  sparse hair
-  silvery blonde scalp hair

-  cerbral anomalies

-  polyhydramnios


-  premature separation of centromeric heterochromatin
-  normal karyotype
-  abnormal nuclear morphology


-  Roberts syndrome is caused by mutation in the ESCO2 gene (cohesion 1 homolog 2 gene) (MIM.609353)

See also

-  SC phocomelia

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