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14q32.2 c-deletion

14q32.2 constitutional deletion



-  increased nuchal translucency
-  omphalocele
-  fetal hydrops
-  severe hypoplasia of the median part of the maxilla
-  no recognizable nose
-  broad median palatoschisis
-  nonlobulated lungs
-  horseshoe kidney with multicystic renal dysplasia
-  decreased development of cortical cellularity in the thymus


-  maternal 46,XX,t(13;14) (q34;q32.2)


-  de Pater JM, Nikkels PG, Poot M, Eleveld MJ, Stigter RH, van der Sijs-Bos CJ, Loneus WH, Engelen JJ. Striking facial dysmorphisms and restricted thymic development in a fetus with a 6-megabase deletion of chromosome 14q. Pediatr Dev Pathol. 2005 Jul-Aug;8(4):497-503. PMID: #16222479#

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