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HHV6-associated hepatitis



-  severe liver dysfunction
-  drowsiness
-  fulminant hepatic failure
-  microvesicular steatosis (resembling that of Reye syndrome)

-  human herpesvirus-6 variant B (HHV-6B) DNA in liver tissue by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and in the endothelium of the portal vein by in situ hybridization (ISH).


-  Aita K, Jin Y, Irie H, Takahashi I, Kobori K, Nakasato Y, Kodama H, Yanagawa Y, Yoshikawa T, Shiga J. Are there histopathologic characteristics particular to fulminant hepatic failure caused by human herpesvirus-6 infection? A case report and discussion. Hum Pathol. 2001 Aug;32(8):887-9. PMID: #11521236#

-  Randhawa PS, Jenkins FJ, Nalesnik MA, Martens J, Williams PA, Ries A, Pham S, Demetris AJ. Herpesvirus 6 variant A infection after heart transplantation with giant cell transformation in bile ductular and gastroduodenal epithelium. Am J Surg Pathol. 1997 Jul;21(7):847-53. PMID: #9236842#

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