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ovarian cysts



-  non-neoplastic ovarian cysts and functional ovarian cysts

-  ovarian inclusion cysts

-  developmental cysts

-  cysts of the rete ovarii
-  ovarian epidermoid cysts
-  ovarian endometriotic cyst

-  cystic tumors

According to the lining cells

-  granulosa and theca layers: luteinic cyst
-  nonluteinized granulosa cells: follicular cyst
-  luteinized granulosa cells: luteinic cyst
-  ciliated cylindric epithelial cells: serous cystadenoma
-  mucinous cylindric epithelial cells: mucinous cystadenoma


-  hemorrhagic ovarian cysts

Borderline serous cystadenoma - Intracystic papillary structures

Fetal ovarian cyst (29 weeks)

Ovarian serous cystadenoma

Ovarian serous cystadenoma

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