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palmoplantar keratodermas



constitutional palmoplantar keratodermas

-  Unna-Thorst syndrome
-  Greither's syndrome
-  Olmsted's syndrome
-  Vohwinkel's syndrome
-  Homel-Evans syndrome
-  Papillon-Lefèevre syndrome
-  Mal de Maeda
-  Gamborg Nielsen keratoderma
-  Huriez's syndrome (palmoplantar keratoderma with sclerodactyly)
-  punctate keratoderma
-  circumscribed keratoderma
-  Naxos syndrome (MIM.601214) (mutation in the plakoglobin gene MIM.173325)
-  striate palmoplantar keratoderma type II (mutation in the desmoplakin gene MIM.125647)

acquired palmoplantar keratodermas

-  myxedema
-  mycosis fungoides
-  lymphoma
-  multiple myeloma
-  internal cancers
-  arsenic exposure
-  menopause
-  bilateral oophorectomy (keratoderma climatericum)
-  acanthosis nigricans (triple palms, pachydermatoglyphy)
-  aquagenic palmoplantar keratoderma
-  lichen planus
-  pityriasis rubra pilaris
-  drugs

interdigital keratoderma

-  toxics


-  Christiano AM. Frontiers in keratodermas: pushing the envelope. Trends Genet. 1997 Jun;13(6):227-33. PMID: #9196328#

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