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CD18 deficiency

MIM.600065 21q22.3

ITGB2 deficiency, LFA1 leukocyte adhesion deficiency


Autosomal recessive disorder - Leukocyte adhesion deficiency


-  recurrent bacterial infections
-  impaired pus formation
-  impaired wound healing
-  abnormal adhesion-dependent functions of granulocytes, monocytes, and lymphocytes
-  infection of umbilical cord stump
-  omphalitis
-  gingivitis (periodontosis)


-  systemic juvenile rheumatoid arthritis


-  leukocyte cell adhesion molecule defect
-  reduced neutrophil phagocytic and respiratory burst
-  response to bacteria and yeast
-  reduced adherance to various substances
-  reduced migration into infection sites

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