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ovarian tumors



-  ovarian epithelial tumors

-  ovarian serous tumors

-  ovarian mucinous tumors

-  ovarian sex cord-stromal tumors

-  ovarian germ cell tumors

Macroscopical appearance

-  ovarian cystic tumors
-  ovarian surface epithelial tumors

Differential diagnosis

-  ovarian tumor-like lesions

See also

-  ovarian carcinomas
-  ovarian tumorigenesis


-  Shih IeM, Kurman RJ. Ovarian tumorigenesis: a proposed model based on morphological and molecular genetic analysis. Am J Pathol. 2004 May;164(5):1511-8. PMID: #15111296#

Immature ovarian teratoma - (6 year-old girl)

Hair and keratin in an ovarian dermoid cyst

Ovarian cystic mature teratoma

Ovarian cystic mature teratoma

Ovarian cystic mature teratoma

Ovarian fibroma

Ovarian fibroma

Ovarian juvenile granulosa tumor

Ovarian juvenile granulosa tumor

Ovary hemorrhagic mature teratoma

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