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founder effect


-  A founder effect can account for the presence of an allele at an unusually high frequency in an isolated population if the allele is selectively neutral and if all copies are identical by descent with a copy that either was carried by a founder individual or arose by mutation later.

-  The ability to infer the time and place of origin of a mutation can be very useful when reconstructing the evolutionary histories of populations and species. A pronounced founder effect can be observed among mutations arising in this wave front where extreme population bottlenecks arise and are followed by major population growth. (#14732681#)

-  A fraction of mutations travel with the wave front and generate mutant populations that are on average much larger than those that remain stationary. Analysis of the diffusion of these mutants makes it possible to reconstruct migratory trajectories during population expansions. (#14732681#)


-  Edmonds CA, Lillie AS, Cavalli-Sforza LL. Mutations arising in the wave front of an expanding population. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Jan 27;101(4):975-9. PMID: #14732681#

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