Subsequent migration 16,000-13,000 YBP through Beringia apparently brought a restricted number of Haplogroup B haplotypes to the Americas. (#9792876#)
Silva WA Jr, Bonatto SL, Holanda AJ, Ribeiro-Dos-Santos AK, Paixao BM, Goldman GH, Abe-Sandes K, Rodriguez-Delfin L, Barbosa M, Paco-Larson ML, Petzl-Erler ML, Valente V, Santos SE, Zago MA. Mitochondrial genome diversity of Native Americans supports a single early entry of founder populations into America. Am J Hum Genet. 2002 Jul;71(1):187-92. PMID: #12022039#
Bonatto SL, Salzano FM. Diversity and age of the four major mtDNA haplogroups, and their implications for the peopling of the New World. Am J Hum Genet. 1997 Dec;61(6):1413-23. PMID: #9399887#