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lymph node

Adj. nodal



-  nodal cortex

-  nodal paracortical compartment (nodal paracortex)
-  nodal sinusoidal compartment


-  nodal lesions
-  nodal lesional syndromes
-  nodal diseases
-  nodal tumors

See also

-  nodal follicular compartment
-  nodal paracortical compartment (nodal paracortex)
-  nodal sinusoidal compartment
-  germinal centers
-  D2-40+ CD31+ perifollicular sinus around most of the follicular compartment
-  bcl-6-negative monocytoid B-cells
-  Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
-  histiocyte-rich B-cell proliferations
-  prominence of the perifollicular sinus
-  reactive lymphadenitis
-  lymphatic
-  cytokines
-  lymph fluid
-  normal and altered germinal center reactions
-  sinus drainage
-  nodal T-cell lymphomas

Enlarged cervical lymph node in classical Hodgkin lymphoma type nodular sclerosing

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