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intercellular junctions

cell junctions, cellular junctions



-  adhering junctions

-  adherens junctions (zonula adherens)
-  zonula occludens
-  GAP junctions
-  tight junctions

Pathology of cellular junctions

-  Pathology of desmosomes
-  Pathology of GAP junctions

See also

-  epithelial junctions


-  Braga VM, Yap AS. The challenges of abundance: epithelial junctions and small GTPase signalling. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2005 Oct;17(5):466-74. PMID: #16112561#

-  Petty MA, Lo EH. Junctional complexes of the blood-brain barrier: permeability changes in neuroinflammation. Prog Neurobiol. 2002 Dec;68(5):311-23. PMID: #12531232#

Intercellular junctions

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