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-  DSG1 is an autoantigen in pemphigus foliaceus
-  mutations of DSG1 cause type I striate keratosis palmoplantaris (PPKS type1) (MIM.148700)
-  toxic DSG1 inactivation in staphylococcal infections


-  Payne AS, Hanakawa Y, Amagai M, Stanley JR. Desmosomes and disease: pemphigus and bullous impetigo. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2004 Oct;16(5):536-43. PMID: #15363804#

-  Whittock NV, Bower C. Targetting of desmoglein-1 in inherited and acquired skin diseases. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2003 Jul;28(4):410-5. PMID: #12823304#

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