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lethal neonatal CPT deficiency type 2



Autosomal recessive metabolic disease.


-  craniofacial anomalies

-  cardiovascular anomalies

-  Respiratory distress
-  Apnea
-  Respiratory failure
-  Widely spaced nipples

-  heapatic anomalies

-  Gastrointestinal anomalies

-  urinary anomalies

-  limb anomalies

-  Lipid accumulation in skeletal muscle

-  cerebrospinal anomalies

-  Oligohydramnios in some cases


-  Nonketotic hypoglycemia
-  Increased liver function tests
-  Increased plasma long-chain acylcarnitines
-  Increased tissue long-chain acylcarnitines
-  Decreased plasma total and free carnitine
-  Decreased tissue total and free carnitine
-  Increased serum long-chain fatty acids
-  Increased tissue long-chain fatty acids
-  Long-chain dicarboxylic aciduria
-  Hyperammonemia
-  Increased total bilirubin
-  Increased tissue levels of triglycerides
-  Increased tissue levels of free fatty acids
-  Severely decreased palmitate oxidation
-  Severely decreased carnitine palmitoyltransferase II (CPT II) activity (less than 10% of normal) in multiple tissues
-  Absence of CPT II protein


-  lethal neonatal form of carnitine palmitoyltransferase II (CPT2) deficiency is caused by mutation in the CPT2 gene )MIM.600650)

See also

-  CPT deficiency type 2 infantile (MIM.600649)
-  CPT deficiency type 2 late-onset (MIM.255110)

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