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CPT deficiency type 1


Autosomal recessive disease.


-  Cardiomegaly
-  Cardiac rhythm disturbances

-  Hepatomegaly
-  Diarrhea
-  Maternal anomalies


-  Hypoketotic hypoglycemia
-  Renal tubular acidosis
-  Mild to moderate hyperammonemia
-  Transient hyperlipidemia
-  Elevated creatinine kinase
-  Elevated transaminases
-  No dicarboxylic aciduria
-  No ketonuria
-  Normal to elevated total plasma carnitine
-  Elevated free carnitine
-  Carnitine palmitoyltransferase I deficiency (fibroblast, liver, leukocytes)
-  Decreased CPT1 activity
-  Decreased long-chain fatty acid oxidation


-  carnitine palmitoyltransferase deficiency I is caused by mutation in the gene CPT1A encoding carnitine palmitoyltransferase IA (MIM.600528).

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