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anal canal duplication

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ACD, anal duplication

Anal canal duplication is the most distal and the least frequent digestive duplication. It is a congenital developmental lesion located in the midline posterior to the anus presenting as a tubular structure without communication with the anal canal, usually discovered in early infancy, and characteristically predominant in girls.


- small opening just posterior to the anus in the midline
- tubular structure
- squamous epithelium
- pseudostratified coumnar epithelium
- anal ducts of Hermann and Desfosses
- +/- smooth muscle bundles


- sacral dysgenesis (Currarino syndrome or Currarino triad)

- dermoid cysts
- ureteral duplication
- lumbosacral myelomeningocele (lumbosacral meningocele)
- spina bifida
- cleft lip/cleft palate
- cardiac malformations
- intestinal malrotation

Differential diagnosis

- perianal sinus
- rectal duplication

See also

- digestive malformations


- Choi SO, Park WH. Anal canal duplication in infants. J Pediatr Surg. 2003 May;38(5):758-62. PMID: 12720188

- Ochiai K, Umeda T, Murahashi O, Sugitoh T. Anal-canal duplication in a 6-year-old child. Pediatr Surg Int. 2002 Mar;18(2-3):195-7. PMID: 11956798

- Jacquier C, Dobremez E, Piolat C, Dyon JF, Nugues F. Anal canal duplication in infants and children?a series of 6 cases. Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2001 Jun;11(3):186-91. PMID: 11475116