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stem cells



-  embryonic stem cells
-  umbilical cord stem cells
-  adult stem cells

-  cancer stem cells


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-  Pardal R, Clarke MF, Morrison SJ. Applying the principles of stem-cell biology to cancer. Nat Rev Cancer. 2003 Dec;3(12):895-902. PMID: #14737120#

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-  Verfaillie CM. Adult stem cells: assessing the case for pluripotency. Trends Cell Biol. 2002 Nov;12(11):502-8. PMID: #12446111#

-  Burdon T, Smith A, Savatier P. Signalling, cell cycle and pluripotency in embryonic stem cells. Trends Cell Biol. 2002 Sep;12(9):432-8. PMID: #12220864#

-  Bjorklund A, Svendsen CN. Chimeric stem cells. Trends Mol Med. 2001 Apr;7(4):144-6. PMID: #11286926#

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