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Definition: The presence of a single central eye field, which results in a slit for an eye (although no actual eye is present); the name is based on Homer's description of the mythical 'cyclops'.

See also

-  holoprosencephaly
-  proboscis

Cyclopia - Holoprosencepahly and post-axial polydactyly are associated. Probable trisomy 13.

Cyclopia - Holoprosencepahly and post-axial polydactyly are associated. Probable trisomy 13.

Cyclopia - Holoprosencepahly and post-axial polydactyly are associated. Probable trisomy 13.

Cyclopia - Holoprosencepahly and post-axial polydactyly are associated. Probable trisomy 13.

Cyclopia in holoprosencephaly - Anterior meningocele, cyclopia, nasal agenesis

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