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organizing pneumonia pattern, bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia. Nom. Ent. Epler, 1985.


Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP) is a ubiquitous entity, known to occur either idiopathically or in association with various pulmonary disorders.


-  myxomatous connective tissue plugs present in the lumen of bronchioles with extension into the alveoli
-  Masson bodies (serpiginous plugs of fibroblastic tissue filling the alveolar spaces)
-  focal fibrosis of some alveolar septa
-  reactive pneumocytic hyperplasia


-  organizing pulmonary infections

-  organ allograft

-  organizing diffuse alveolar damage
-  bronchial obstruction
-  aspiration penumonia
-  drug reactions
-  toxic reactions
-  dysimmunity

-  extrinsic allergic alveolitis (hypersensitivity pneumonia)
-  chronic eosinophilic pneumonia
-  chronic bronchiolitis
-  diffuse panbronchiolitis

-  nonspecific reactions

-  idiopathic BOOP (cryptogenic organizing pneumonia)

Differential diagnosis

-  pulmonary organizing diseases
-  constrictive bronchiolitis

See also:

-  bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS)
-  chronic airway rejection
-  obliterative bronchiolitis


-  Siddiqui MT, Garrity ER, Husain AN. Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia-like reactions: a nonspecific response or an atypical form of rejection or infection in lung allograft recipients? Hum Pathol. 1996 Jul;27(7):714-9. PMID: #8698317#

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