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trisomy 18

Edward Syndrome, trisomy E

Definition: Trisomy 18 (1/5000 live births) presents with a great phenotypic variability. Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) with normal or increased amniotic fluid volume, craniofacial dysmorphism (strawberry-shaped head, micrognathia, choroid plexus cyst), congenital heart disease, omphalocele, large cisterna magna, and abnormal extremities (clenched hands and rocker-bottom feet) are frequently observed anomalies.

At least 30% of affected fetuses have abnormal extremities (unilateral or bilateral), the most frequent one being clenched hand and radial aplasia.


-  systemic anomalies

-  placental anomalies

-  cardiovascular anomalies

-  craniofacial anomalies

-  limb anomalies

-  visceral malformations

-  redundant skin folds
-  cryptorchidism
-  spina bifida (6%)
-  scoliosis
-  omphalocele
-  Cantrell pentalogy (#3232702#)


Prevalence (Since 1961)7 studies: 1/3400 - 1/11000

-  1-5000 liveborn
-  1-5000 stillborn
-  20 - 30% die in the first month
-  90% die by age one


-  trisomy - 95%
-  translocation - 2%
-  mosaic - 3%

Quadrilobar left lung in trisomy 18 (20 weeks)

Quadrilobar left lung in trisomy 18 (20 weeks)

Quadrilobar left lung in trisomy 18 (20 weeks)

Facial anomalies in trisomy 18 - (hypertelorism, micrognathia-retrognathia, long philtrum)

Clinodactyly in trisomy 18 (20 weeks)

Small first toe in trisomy 18

Camptodactyly in trisomy 18

Camptodactyly in trisomy 18

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