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MIM.130050 2q31

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV


Autosomal dominant collagen disease.


-  short stature
-  pinched nose
-  thin nose
-  thin lips
-  lobeless ears
-  keratoconus
-  periodontal disease
-  early loss of teeth
-  mitral valve prolapse
-  spontaneous pneumothorax
-  hemoptysis
-  inguinal hernia
-  spontaneous rupture of bowel
-  uterine rupture associated with pregnancy
-  uterine prolapse
-  bladder prolapse
-  hypermobility of distal interphalangeal joints
-  acroosteolysis
-  club foot
-  acroosteolysis
-  fragile skin
-  easy bruisability
-  cigarette-paper scars
-  atrophic skin over ears
-  prominent venous markings
-  absent-mild skin hyperextensibility
-  skin changes worse in areas of lower skin temperature
-  molluscoid pseudotumors
-  acrogeria (skin over hands and feet are thin and finely wrinkled)
-  alopecia of scalp
-  premature delivery because of cervical insufficiency or membrane fragility
-  death usually occurs before 5th decade

-  arterial anomalies

-  spontaneous hepatic rupture (#10852630#, #9286240#)


-  hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma
-  situs solitus with dextrocardia


-  germline mutations in the gene COL3A1 coding for type III collagen (COL3s) (MIM.120180)

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