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X-linked recessive chondrodysplasia punctata type 1


X-linked syndrome due to mutations in the arylsulfatase E gene (ARSE) (MIM.300180)

Macroscopical synopsis

-  short stature
-  microcephaly
-  cataracts
-  nasal hypoplasia
-  depressed nasal bridge
-  short nasal septum
-  hypogonadism (in contiguous gene syndrome patients)
-  paravertebral stippling
-  epiphyseal stippling
-  distal phalangeal hypoplasia
-  ichthyosis (in contiguous gene syndrome patients)
-  developmental delay
-  anosmia (in contiguous gene syndrome patients)


-  mutations in the arylsulfatase E gene (ARSE) (MIM.300180)
-  possible contiguous gene syndrome due to loss of adjacent genes STS (MIM.308100) and KAL1 (MIM.308700) on Xp22.3 via deletions and translocations

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