Trsiomy 13 is the least common and the most severe of the viable autosomal trisomies.
craniofacial anomalies
- microcephalia
- receding forehead
- epicanthal folds
- sparse curled eyelashes
- midline scalp defects at vertex (cutis aplasia)
- horizontal palpebral fissures
- broad and flat nose
- abnormal ears
- ocular anomalies
- microphthalmia
- anophthalmia
- deep-set eyes
- cataract
- corneal opacities
- retinoschisis
- hypoplasia of optic nerve
- persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous
- coloboma of iris or retinal coloboma
- aniridia
- retinal dysplasia
- retinoblastoma
- hypotelorism
- incisor teeth present at birth
cardiovascular malformations (80%)
cerebral anomalies
splenopancreatic field abnormality
- splenopancreatic fusion
- ectopic splenic tissue in the cauda pancreatis
- ectopic pancreatic tissue in the spleen or accessory spleen
- fusion of the cauda pancreatis and splenic hilum
urinary anomalies
male genital anomalies
- cryptorchidism
- scrotal anomalies
- Leydig cell hypoplasia
- testicular agenesis
female genital anomalies
skeletal anomalies
- hypoplastic 12th ribs
- 12th ribs agenesis
- hypoplastic pelvis with flattened acetabular angle
- kyphoscoliosis
limb anomalies
capillary hemangiomas (face, forehead, nape of neck)
hematologic anomalies
- multiple projections in neutrophilic nuclei
- increased fetal hemoglobin (HbF)
- increased Gower-2 hemoglobin
nondisjunction during maternal meiosis
- a significant association exists between Patau syndrome and increased maternal age
See also
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