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Definition: Pathology is the study of diseases (Disease" class="spip_out">Wikipedia).


-  diagnostic pathology

According to the level of organization

-  pathology of molecules (molecular pathology)
-  pathology of cellular components (cellular pathology)
-  pathology of cellular organelles (cellular pathology)
-  pathology of cells (cellular pathology)
-  pathology of tissues (tissular pathology)
-  pathology of organs
-  pathology of systems
-  pathology of the body as a whole (systemic pathology)

By organs

-  oral pathology
-  cutaneous pathology (skin)
-  digestive pathology (digestive system)
-  renal pathology (kidneys)
-  immune system pathology (immunopathology)
-  bone pathology (bones)

See also

-  physiopathology
-  molecular pathology

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