Kartagener syndrome (MIM.244400)
Ivemark syndrome (MIM.208530) (polyspleny and cardiovascular anomalies)
X-linked visceral heterotaxy (MIM.306955)
Casey B. Two rights make a wrong: human left-right malformations. Hum Mol Genet. 1998;7(10):1565-71. PMID: #9735377#
Ibanez-Tallon I, Heintz N, Omran H. To beat or not to beat : roles of cilia in development and disease. Hum Mol Genet. 2003 Apr 2 ;12(Suppl 1) :R27-35. PMID : #12668594#
El Zein L, Omran H, Bouvagnet P. Lateralization defects and ciliary dyskinesia : lessons from algae. Trends Genet. 2003 Mar ;19(3):162-7. PMID : #12615011#
See also