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Adj. endothelial


Definition: The layer of cells that lines the heart cavities and blood vessels.


-  endothelial lesions
-  endothelial diseases
-  endothelial tumors

See also

-  endothelial permeability


-  Cleaver O, Melton DA. Endothelial signaling during development. Nat Med. 2003 Jun;9(6):661-8. PMID: #12778164#

-  Telo P, Lostaglio S, Dejana E. Structure of intercellular junctions in the endothelium. Therapie. 1997 Sep-Oct;52(5):395-8. PMID: #9501564#

-  Telo P, Lostaglio S, Dejana E. Structure of intercellular junctions in the endothelium. Therapie. 1997 Sep-Oct;52(5):395-8. PMID: #9501564#

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