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GTPase proteins, G-proteins, G proteins


Heterotrimeric G proteins (G proteins) mediate signalling from a superfamily of heptahelical receptors (G-protein-coupled receptors) to a smaller number of effector units that include adenylyl cyclases, phospholipase C and various ion channels.


-  small GTPases
-  Ras GTPases
-  Rho GTPases
-  Rab GTPases
-  Ral GTPases
-  Ran GTPases
-  Arf-like GTPases


-  cellular signaling
-  embryonic development

Pathology (G-protein diseases)

-  mutation in ARHGEF10 (8p23) in Slowed nerve-conduction velocities (NCVs). ARHGEF10 encodes a guanine-nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for the Rho family of GTPase proteins (RhoGTPases) (#12934201#)


-  Malbon CC. G proteins in development. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2005 Sep;6(9):689-701. PMID: #16231420#

-  Zheng Y. G protein control of microtubule assembly. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol. 2004;20:867-94. PMID: #15473863#

-  Lania A, Mantovani G, Spada A. G protein mutations in endocrine diseases. Eur J Endocrinol. 2001 Nov;145(5):543-59. PMID: #11720871#

-  Farfel Z, Bourne HR, Iiri T. The expanding spectrum of G protein diseases. N Engl J Med. 1999 Apr 1;340(13):1012-20. PMID: #10099144#

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